The Anthology Guidelines
Submissions are OPEN
Submission Queue | Submission Form

The Anthology is an annual print-only hardcover anthology based on the definition of "foofaraw." Every piece must align, at least a tiny bit, to one of these two definitions:
- a great fuss or disturbance about something very insignificant.
- an excessive amount of decoration or ornamentation, as on a piece of clothing, a building, etc.
Response Time
All decisions will be made and writers will be notified by April 30th.
Word Limit:
- 500-5000 words
Pay Rate:
- Fiction: $0.01 per word
- Poetry: $5.00
- English
We request first serial rights and non-exclusive, indefinite archival rights. As well as the right to publish in a limited print anthology. Any rights not used by the publisher within twelve months will return to the author.
- We do not accept multiple submissions from a single person at a time
- We do not accept simultaneous submissions (pieces sent to more than one place at a time).
- We do not accept previously published works.
- We do not accept work created or assisted by AI.
What are we looking for
- Fiction
- Comics
- Humor/Satire
- Poetry
- Essays
- Personal, Features, Journalism, Cultural Criticism
- and anything else that fits the vibe
The general areas/genres of interest for fiction in foofaraw are:
- Magical Realism
- Speculative Fiction
- Sci-Fi
- Fantasy
- Literary
- Horror
- Mystery
- Noir
- Odd / Surreal / Absurdist / Experimental